What is a Neuro-Inclusion Maturity Assessment?

A Neuro-Inclusion Maturity Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation designed to measure how well your organisation supports and includes neurodivergent individuals in day-to-day practices. It involves gathering feedback from both neurodivergent staff or students and management through targeted surveys, allowing us to assess your organisation's current inclusivity practices, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Why We Conduct Neuro-Inclusion Maturity Assessments

Inclusion isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires understanding your unique organisational context. This assessment ensures we focus on what matters most to you. By identifying gaps and tracking progress over time, we help you:

  • Prioritise actionable changes for meaningful impact.
  • Tailor training and policies to your organisation’s specific needs.
  • Build a clear roadmap to long-term, sustainable inclusion.

What We Measure

Our assessments provide data-driven insights into your organisations neuro-inclusion levels. All data collected is anonymous to encourage maximum engagement. Examples of key metrics we track include:

  • Perceptions of Inclusion: Percentage of neurodivergent individuals who feel supported in their environment.
  • Knowledge Levels: Management and staff understanding of neurodivergence and inclusivity practices.
  • Accommodation Usage: Percentage of neurodivergent individuals accessing and receiving accommodations.
  • Engagement and Satisfaction: Neurodivergent staff and student satisfaction with their experience.
  • Retention Rates: Comparison of neurodivergent versus neurotypical turnover/dropout rates.

By regularly monitoring these statistics, we ensure continuous progress and measurable outcomes for your organisation.

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